The Razors Edge2 weeks agoFire rings.....24Bekijk op FacebookThe Razors Edge2 weeks agoSmall .... but important part... Getting the to do list smaller....442Bekijk op FacebookThe Razors Edge2 months agoAt the end of the year we got some nice parts.... sure the Italian loves a fresh amouth of air.....59Bekijk op FacebookThe Razors Edge3 months agoNew engine mount .... and bellhousing mounting plate. Thanks to our sponsor to use there machines so we are able to make parts by ourselfs.+448Bekijk op FacebookThe Razors Edge3 months ago op FacebookThe Razors Edge6 months agoWell.... We are not done yet. But working to get everything on a right spot. And the most simple tings also takes time before we think we have it right.6361Bekijk op Facebook